G'S SPOT - Miscellaneous local sights

Updates: Stupid Prices went out of business perhaps a year after the photo was taken, as predicted. Someone at Kent Junior High must have been one of the four people who visited my website because they changed their mascot to something boring and generic like Bulldogs. Another few years later the school was demolished. Vandals!
(Stupid Prices)
These guys won't last long
I bet this guy was disappointed when he moved in
(gun store)
I love this place! Great name and concrete fortifications in front. Hey, there's even a pickup truck parked outside! The small, lighted sign says, "PROTECT YOUR FREEDOMS, Join The NRA Here." No, Dad, they don't clean bras!
(Kent H.S.)
If some punks trash my property at least I know where to find them. Ok, so the Vandals were some Germanic tribe whose members were surely all upstanding gentlemen, but why pick a name that now has a negative connotation?
(Chinese Restaurant)
A number of the Chinese restaurants in the area look like this. I am curious to see the interiors but so far I have been too scared to enter one. Some don't have any windows. Maybe it's just me but when I see the words "Chinese American Food" I run the other way. Also note the Bud neon sign (a staple) and Bud banner.
Kent Japanese Garden. A great place to practise your chop-sockey or trainspot. By the number of guys I see lying around on the grass it must also be a great place to sleep off a hangover. Not to be confused with the Kent Chinese (YangZhou) Garden, somewhat appropriately located on the other side of the train tracks.
(No guns sign)This is the door to one of the departments at my workplace. They have since removed the sign, possibly because similar ones saying "Gun Free Zone" are now posted at the main entrances. When I first posted this photo I made a joke about finding a gun under one of the patients' pillows, but now it's no joke -- it happened to my co-worker.(Snoqualmie Falls)
Snoqualmie Falls
(New look)
The Chinese restaurant has a new look!
Too bad the sign doesn't rotate anymore though
(House of Vacuums)
My favourite store in Auburn

Seattle from Kerry Park on Queen Anne Hill
