G's Spot - 'Sup, G?
Helluva nothing!
In the past I used this page primarily to list new content posted on the site, and it almost even turned into a blog for a while. I haven't made any substantial updates to the website since the mid-2000's though, so it's now a techno-fossil. Still, I wanted it to look slightly dated in the first place, so like a fine wine it's only been getting better and better with age! Spelling, grammatical, and HTML errors are not likely to be corrected, and many external links likely no longer work. I'm not a coding wizard. (Surprise!) I typed the very rudimentary HTML out in a text editor and I only ever tested the site on desktop and laptop computers (PC and Mac) so if it doesn't work on your tiny handheld device, then tough luck, cuz you're missing out on some top-notch content, fool! Stop straining your damn eyes and neck, go dust off your grandma's laptop running Windows XP, and enjoy the G's Spot as it was meant to be seen in all its low-resolution glory, sucka!
The G's Spot was hosted by the legendary Geocities until Yahoo shut it down in 2009.

January 2024
Remember when I said no updates? I lied. Sometime in 2023 the G's Spot turned twenty years old. I took down a few of the weaker photo pages to make room for new content on the Engrish page, and made a few other little "repairs" and additions.
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