Maui (Part 2)

(Maui Map)

Note: The bombing of Kaho'olawe stopped in 1990, but if you want to experience a bit of the action watch Magnum, P.I. episode 73, "Silent Night" where "Frenchman's Isle" is Kaho'olawe.

Kipahulu Valley

Kipahulu is an area of Haleakala National Park on the southeast coast of Maui (park map). To get there we drove the (in)famous "Road to Hana", or highway 360, which curls around the Eastern end of Maui. Built by convicts in the 1920's, it winds its way along coastal cliffs and crosses 54 one-lane bridges on its 50-mile course. It's definitely not for anybody with motion sickness. I couldn't believe how fast some of the locals drive along it in their large pickups.

(Road to Hana)
Road to Hana

Kipahulu Campground

The campground was just a large, grassy field beside the ocean and was our best camping experience in Maui. No reservations or fees were required and the remoteness of the area kept away the party animals and weirdos. We had the place almost to ourselves on our first night, maybe because the weather had been so bad the day before. There were no firing ranges nearby either but there were a number of feral cats frequenting the area for which a gun would have been useful. Despite my protests The Archivist fed one a chunk of Vienna sausage (which she bought, but after reading the ingredients and fat content decided she didn't want to eat) which just encouraged it to hang around. One got into our car trunk and managed to take a few bites of a loaf of bread before I discovered it. More information on animals introduced to Hawaii can be found here -- they even have wallabies, mayte!
(Kipahulu Campground)
Our campsite
(Kipahulu warning)
Looking toward the ocean from the campground
(Ocean spray)
Shore by the campground
(Starry night)
Time lapse night view from the camp
(Feral cat)(Feral cat)(Feral cat)(Feral cat)

Feral Cat

'Ohe'o Gulch and Pools

Due to a recent heavy rainfall the pools were considered too hazardous for swimming at the time of our visit. Normally they would have been packed with people. I was expecting more given their popularity, and found the scenery in other areas of the park much more interesting. You can judge for yourself. In my opinion posting three photos is way too generous.
(Oheo Pools)
The pools (note road/bridge upper left)
(Oheo Pools)
Upper pools from bridge
(Oheo Pools)
Lower pools from bridge

Pipiwai Trail

This trail parallels the Ohe'o Gulch and the Pipiwai Stream, ending at the 400-foot (122m) Waimoku Falls. Along the way we passed Makahiku Falls (184' / 56m), wandered through a guava orchard, encountered numerous guava-eating (apparent from excrement) free-range cattle, and passed through a dense bamboo forest.
+ Guava
(Manure with guava seeds)
(Makahiku Falls)
Makahiku Falls
(Banyan tree)
Banyan tree
(Bamboo forest)
Entering the bamboo forest
(Hidden Dragon)
G mimics classic "wire" kung fu movie scene
(Waimoku Falls)
Waimoku Falls
(Waimoku Falls)
Yet another rainbow

Wai'anapanapa State Park

This was a great place to watch the waves roll in and hammer the cliffs. We walked for a ways along the King's Highway, or Alaloa, the ancient road that once circled Maui.
(Warning signs and jerks)
A few warning signs and people ignoring them at the black sand beach
Note man who gets pulled under by a strong wave
Archivist above pounding surf
(Black sand beach)
Black sand beach at Wai'anapanapa
(Waianapanapa coastline)
That little black speck in the spray to the left of center is a guy fishing

The Blue Pool

Not far from Hana is this nice place to swim. Until the nudists arrive.

(Beware of Dog sign)
Watch out for the dog
(Blue Pool)
G in the "Blue" Pool
(Blue pool and nudist)
Nudist getting in and G getting out


Small island with a few trees clinging to the top near Hana
(West Maui)
West Maui from the back of a resort we didn't stay in
(Red Sand Beach view)
View near Red Sand Beach (Kaihalulu) in Hana
(Leprechaun Shaka)
This leprechaun flashing a shaka sign
kept showing up but I don't know the
significance, if any

Hawaiian Pets

$89.95 for Sea Monkeys?!
"Micro Lobsters"
Lei-d Dog
(Pot Bellied Pigs)
(Pot Bellied Pigs)
Pricey pig

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