O'ahu (Part 1)

(Oahu Map)

Honolulu Airport - first lesson in the Hawaiian language

The Base

Mahalo to the 'Geebs' for their hospitality. Despite having young children, dogs, and in-laws to deal with they still found time and space for us. Also thanks to the Department of Defense.
The children next door advised us against sleeping in the tent because of scorpions and giant cockroaches but we never saw any.

(Oahu camping)
Our digs courtesy the Geebs
Our wheels courtesy the Geebs
Lei courtesy the Geebs
The only problem with staying on base were all the rules. They were really cramping my style! There was a sign at the entrance of every building listing prohibited attire. Not being allowed to wear underwear was uncomfortable at first, but I got used to it after a couple of days. I guess it's part of the hard-core "commando" training.
(Prohibited Attire) (Hat to side - ILLEGAL!!!)(Sagging pants - ILLEGAL!!!)(Underwear - HIGHLY ILLEGAL!!!)
(Be a Leader)
(Torn clothing - ILLEGAL!!!)
(Bandana - ILLEGAL!!!)
Checking for underwear
and other illegal attire

Glider ride at Dillingham Airfield

Dillingham airfield is located about as far as you can drive west along the north shore. I had never been in a glider before but as a youngster I watched an IMAX glider movie with a new age soundtrack. The movie made it seem very quiet and smooth but it was surprisingly noisy with all the air rushing by and through the aircraft. There wasn't any new age music either (can't say I was disappointed). The canopy was held together with wire in a number of places where there were large cracks. Half way through the flight I started sweating profusely and feeling like I was going to ralph. I think I was doing too much looking through the camera.
(Glider being towed)
Glider heading up
(Gaining altitude)
(Glider release manoeuvre)
Part of the manoeuvre to release the tow line
(Broken canopy)
Cracks in the canopy held together with wire
(View from glider)
Looking northeast over the North Shore
(View from glider)
Looking southwest over Kaena Point

Hawaiian Cuisine

(The bumper stickers just about sum it up)

(Got Spam?)(Got rice?)


Hawaiians reportedly have the highest per-capita consumption of Spam in the U.S.A., unless you count Guam where it's even higher!

(McDonalds Extreme Breakfast Platter)
McDonalds Extreme Breakfast Platter:
The hearts must mean it's low in fat
This lucky guy had the Spammobile in his driveway!
(Spam Hawaii Collector's Edition)
Spam Hawaii Collector's Edition

Shave Ice

Sort of like snow cones, but arguably tastier and in more flavours than found at your local Kwik-E-Mart. The most popular place to buy these seems to be M. Matsumoto Grocery Store, though it really shouldn't matter because they all use the same syrup flavouring. You can also order them with ice cream and/or red (adzuki) bean at the bottom.
(Matsumoto Grocery Store)
M. Matsumoto's
(The menu)
The incredible growing menu
(How to order)
Ordering is very complicated and requires an instruction sheet
(Top secret ingredients)
The top-secret shave ice flavouring process
(Eating shave ice)
My mighty tasty order
(Matsumoto lover)
Photo from Matsumoto's wall of fame

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