G'S SPOT - Olympic Peninsula (Part 1)

Hurricane Ridge

Doe, a deer, a female deer
Buck buck bo buck...
(Mt. Olympus)
Mount Olympus from Hurricane Ridge
(Moon View)
Another view, just for Kevin



I forgot to take a picture of the clearcuts and tree farms, which seemed to cover the whole peninsula except the park, so here's the Daishowa plant in Port Angeles.

The Many Uses of Kelp

(Kelp whip)
Whippin' it real good on the beach in Port Angeles
(Kelp Horn)
The ancient art of playing the Kelp Horn.
I need to work on my embouchure
because I could only play one note.

Cape Alava Loop

(a 9.3 mile loop through the woods to the ocean, along the beach, and back)

(Trail to Cape Alava)
Trail through the forest - 3 miles of boardwalk!
(Trail to Cape Alava)
Almost at the beach
Beach at Cape Alava - piles o' seaweed and flies
(Da Beach)
Heading down the beach
Petroglyphs (unfortunately we somehow
missed the best ones depicting Orcas)
More Petroglyphs
A bad case of crabs
(Dead Jellyfish)
It's a jelly
Can you spot the seal in this picture, kids?
Mossy Chiton
Mossy Chiton (about the length of the jellyfish;
feeds on algae on the rocks)
(Sea Stack)
"Sea stacks" at low tide
(Sea Stacks)
Sea stacks

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