G'S SPOT - Olympic Peninsula (Part 2)

Hoh Rain Forest

(12 to 14 feet of rain per year)

(The race)
The Big Race:
Lane One - Dead Mouse
Lane Two - European Black Slug
Lane Three - Banana Slug (disqualified for lane violation)
Lane Four (far upper right, out of picture) - Ben Johnson without anabolic steroids

(Big Trees)
Trail along Hoh River
(G at bottom)
A herd of Elk passed by us in the woods, making a lot of noise
(Elk head at center - hard to see on first glance)
(Moss on Tree)
(Mossy Maples)
Moss on some Maple trees
Nice place to pitch a log - moss, ferns, and tree growing on top
(note: it still stunk inside)
(Big Tree)
A much bigger kind of log

Camping at Kalaloch

Our campsite was on the cliff just above the ocean. The mist made for nice pictures but a damp and uncomfortable sleep, especially since I forgot to bring my sleeping bag.

Cooking up some grub
(Sun Rays)
Old tree at the campsite

Ruby Beach

(This is supposed to be one of the "must sees" of the park)

(Dead skate)
Catch of the day: dead skate
(Closeup of Skate)
Underside of skate (I think he's smiling)

(Ruby Beach)
Ruby Beach
(Ruby Beach)
Ruby Beach - G on rock at far right

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